Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Like, Oh-Ehm-Gee

I gots my driver's license today!!!

The roads are not safe anymore...as I will be driving them alone now..

be afraid, be VERY afraid.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I'm planning on making my story "The Kingdom Kronicles" a private access blog...I'm probably going to put it into affect starting tomorrow...so if anyone wants to read it further, give me your e-mail addresses so I can give you permission.

thanks for all the comments and praise, it really means a lot to be appreciated as an author!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

my book

I'm thinking about changing the names of my titles for the chapters of the book

maybe "Kingdom Kronicles: part __"


Monday, June 18, 2007

New week

Well well, another week down.

I have 5 more times to go to Driver's Ed class, and hopefully I will be taking my Driver's Test in like 3 days...we start Wednesday.

I'll try and post part 3 of my story this morning...idk if I'll be able to...I have a very important phone call to make this morning, and it might take a while...

I might post part 3 as a bit smaller...then post 2 tomorrow.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Ive been trying to find people on myspace that I know...mainly people from my driver's Ed class...I havent been able to find any of them! it's getting so annoying.

I have the names of a few of the main people I want...and they live nearby...I type them in and put within 100 miles...and I know they have profiles...

I need to talk to them again...

if anyone sees this and wants to add me or whatever, just follow the URL below..


just send me a message saying who you are and that you saw this blog...thanks!


well it seems that people are actually reading my blog...I'm seriously surprised.

I want to update more, I just haven't been on the computer very long...in a while...

I still plan to write some stories and stuff, I just need to get all my ideas together first before starting...

I think I'll update tomorrow a bit more, I don't have class. Driver's Ed runs through Thursday every week, so i have tomorrow off. I'm also in the process of trying to find some of the kids in the class on myspace...but I can only remember one of their names! Ill have to check today I guess.

anywho...if anyone wants to contact me, my e-mail and such should be in my profile...if not leave a comment and Ill get at ya. IM would work the best, since I don't always check my e-mail...

Monday, June 4, 2007

new blog

I'm thinking of making a separate blog for my writing...like writing the stories in my head down on here and posting them...that seems like a good idea now.

I write fanfiction for different book and anime series, so that's mostly what I'll be writing here.

thought you all might want to know....(like anyone cares.)

Driver's Ed

Well, I start Driver's Ed class this afternoon...and for some reason, I think I'm actually kinda freaking out about it!

My stomach feels weird, and I had 2, count 'em 2, dreams last night about me being late or missing the class altogether!

I have no idea why I'm feeling this way, I mean, sure I'm anxious, but I know it'll be fine...I'll have a good book to read while I'm sitting there waiting on my turn, ha-ha.

guess that's about enough for now...


hopefully I can get some readers soon, once I post some decently interesting stuff.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Yo, Intro!

I guess this is my first post...I started two others, but never did A THING with them...

I just finished reading all 3 of the "Maximum Ride" books by James Patterson, and one of the main characters in the series, Fang, starts a blog in the books...right here on Blogspot.com even! This is one of the main reasons I am getting back into blogging, I remembered how cool it can be.

That's about all for now....much much more to come in the following days, especially Monday.