Monday, June 18, 2007

New week

Well well, another week down.

I have 5 more times to go to Driver's Ed class, and hopefully I will be taking my Driver's Test in like 3 days...we start Wednesday.

I'll try and post part 3 of my story this morning...idk if I'll be able to...I have a very important phone call to make this morning, and it might take a while...

I might post part 3 as a bit smaller...then post 2 tomorrow.


Ink said...

I hope that the Driver's Ed goes well!!! : D

OOOOO!!! I'll go and read that ASAP!!!


Ink said...

Oh, yeah, I LOVE that picture you have of Cloud on here! Did you see that movie?! My GOSH IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!


Ink said...

Hey, Cloud!
I have a question... how did you make that picture of Cloud small enough to fit into your profile?
I really want a picture of Demyx that I love on my profile name...
Could you explain it to me?
I already tried to get him in there but I'm pretty sure he's too big... HELP!!


Ink said...

Me again.
I resized it, I just can't figure out how to get it it on now... the URL that I have is a bigger verson of it and I don't think that there's a URL of it smaller.
Could you help me again please?
Sorry, I'm just not good with this stuff.


Toky said...

You should just upload the new pic again on photobucket or tinypic...should work

Ink said...

Okay, THANK YOU!! I'm sorry that I'm not that great at this stuff!

Thanks for your help again!


Ink said...

Hey Cloud! LOOK!! I finally figured it out!! YAY!!

Thanks for the help! : D
